Articles of Interest

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Life is full of uncertainty, and many people try to manage their fears with worry.

If you are a worrier, you are probably no stranger to thoughts like these.

Do you notice that your partner is constantly unhappy and discontented? Falling short of what you might consider a form of depressive disorder, it may be that your partner just seems to lack joy in life.

We are living during emotionally challenging times. Recently, there has been widespread discussion of the mental health pandemic. More people are seeking mental health services now, and a shortage of providers is hindering their ability to get the help they need.

Grief and relief. These two emotions make a strange pair, yet they’re often experienced together by those who have had a conflicted relationship with a loved one.

If you’re living with or in an intimate relationship with someone struggling with trauma, you’re likely doing your best to be understanding. But I’d guess that some days are more difficult than others; your partner’s days impact your own. While I don’t specialize in working with clients with trauma, I see many partners of such individuals or couples seeking better ways to cope and help. Here are some of the effects that partners most talk about and struggle with.

Intimate relationships are complex. What works for one couple—what some see as acceptable or even perfectly fine—will not be the case for other couples. Some friends may offer their "helpful opinions" when they know of those hurting in their relationships. For example:

Breaking Free of Our Rigid Narratives

My commute to the school where I teach includes an exit off the highway that often gets backed up with a line of cars waiting to make the turn.

The first month of school typically involves me progressively leaving my house earlier and earlier so that I can navigate this part of my trip without as much stress.

It’s Sunday.

The perfect day for anxiety to spike in anticipation of the work week. It is hard not to think about work when it is looming only a few hours away.

Let’s be honest–work is stressful. You might be walking on eggshells dealing with a critical boss who micromanages your every move. Perhaps you are stuck with difficult coworkers who you wish you never had to work with. Maybe you feel burned out from the constant barrage of emails and phone calls.

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Telehealth Appointments 10:00am - 6:00pm


Telehealth Appointments 10:00am - 6:00pm


Telehealth Appointments 10:00am - 6:00pm





